What Are the Advantages of Early College?
National studies have found that the greatest advantage for students participating in Early College Programming is they are more likely to:
*Data Source: Jobs for the Future, “Early College High Schools Get Results” Based on outcomes of thousands of students who attended about 100 representative early college programs nationwide. Other resources:
Additional advantages for students participating in Early College programming, especially ECW Program, are that students can:
✓ Save Money – It’s FREE
✓ Save Time - Students earn college credits while still in high school and accelerate college degree completion.
✓ Dual Credit - Students fulfill requirements for high school while completing college credits.
✓ Supports - Students have access to mentors, tutoring services, college resources
✓ Free Transcript - Students receive a college transcript upon completion of their college courses
✓ Transferability - Students earn credit for courses that most often transfer to most 2 or 4 year institutions through MassTransfer